Turmeric Powder

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  • Description
    Majdi Turmeric powder is prepared from specially selected double polished “Rajapuri turmeric. It is a bright yellow spice powder is made from dry Turmeric Rhizomes. Turmeric’s main ingredient is ‘curcumin’ which exhibit a wide range of medicinal activities Turmeric is useful for its colour, flavor, cosmetic and medicinal properties.

  • Culinary Uses
    Turmeric is an indispensable culinary ingredient. It imparts musky flavour and yellow colour to curries. It is also a great spice to complement recipes that use rice, lentils and dry beans Turmeric powder is one of the most significant coloring material of India in all kinds of cuisine.
  • Health Benefits
    Turmeric powder is used in the treatment of anaemia, arthritis, asthma, boils, cold, cough, influenza, measles, scabies, sore eyes, sprains, throat infection, worms.